quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013


They draw attention, some Biblical Passages where peculiarities present in the sacred contents direct the study to the message that is implicit in the context examined.

I think that teaching through numerous parables, guard as "background" for the purpose of making an intensive search Servant joining the guidelines of the Lord, offered specifically to his Disciples.

Teach our beloved Master:

"He said to them: not this parable? HOW, THEREFORE, you will understand ALL Parables? Mr. 4.13.

"He who has ears, let him hear."

And approached to his disciples, said to him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?

He answered and said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given; Matt. 13.9-11.

Note that here the Lord gives us the idea that there are many, many parables and they are present not only in the teachings that are presented as a figure, but in many passages, which at first glance do not appear as such. Ie:

1 - Many times the Lord teaching, speaking through parables;

2-Sometimes, in the actual performance of activities - curing a blind man, the resurrection of the dead, the loaves, the passage of Zacchaeus the publican, etc. - there is visible beyond teaching the sacred contents, another implicit learning, that here too Parable call.

THE MEANING OF THE PARABLE IS: Narration allegorical involves some moral precept, some important truth.

The Lord's admonition in Matthew 13.9, emerges as a recommendation to Servo saying: "Seek, you will find". Then the Lord said to the disciples that only is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.

I have found that reality in some studies I have been doing in the Sacred Writings, and one of them refers to the passage of Zacchaeus the publican recorded in LC 19.1-9, as follows:

And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho.

And behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich.

And he sought to see who Jesus was, and could not, because of the crowd, because he was little of stature.

And he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.

And when Jesus came to the place, looking up, saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must abide at thy house. And hurrying came down, and received him joyfully.

And seeing all this, they murmured, saying gone to be the guest of a sinner.

And Zacchaeus stood, said: Lord, behold, I give to the poor half of my possessions, and if I have defrauded anyone in anything, I restore fourfold.

Then said Jesus unto him, Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham.

Draws attention to some highlights sacred account promoted by the Holy Spirit in this message, and the item "6", we demonstrate the presence of a subliminal message in the song "Makes a Miracle in Me", as below:

1 - Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector;

2 - Zacchaeus was rich;

3 - Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree;

4 - Jesus tells Zacchaeus down from Figueira;

5 - Zacchaeus takes the right decision for your new birth occurs;

6 - A Subliminal Message in the song: "It's a Miracle in Me

By examining the text in question, we find the first time a lack of logic associated with the highlights mentioned above, leads us to conclude that there exists another parable, in this case, does not consist merely in a simple allegorical narration, but the record a fact lived and unquestionable.

When you dig deeper, it comes to some valuable conclusions:

1 - Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector:

Initially, it is worth saying that the publicans were tax collectors and had a bad reputation being detested by fellow because often the people charged were extorting more than his own brothers patriotic, for the benefit of a foreign government that oppressed them both , The Roman Empire.

This conduct gave them hateful adjectives like: Thieves, traitors, etc., were excluded from the Synagogues Jewish society, whose dishonor, extended even to his family.

John the Baptist warned that some publicans were to be baptized, and they asked him what they should do:

John said:

"There cobrais more than is appointed you." Luke 3:12-13

This hatred of the noble class Jewish tax collectors gave the Lord in several passages in the Gospels, intense criticism by entering their homes, sit down with them and make them friends.

They were considered the noblest class, Pharisees, scribes and lawyers as the "scum" of society, compared whores and prostitutes, for whom hell was inevitable fate, being irretrievably lost what earned them a harsh warning Lord, see:

"The tax collectors and prostitutes will go ahead of you into the kingdom of God." Mt 21.32-33:

Ie: "Those who say that you are lost, come ahead of you into the kingdom of God."

Zacchaeus, whose name means "one who is pure," contradicting his conduct, incorporated the fact that profile keeper, unscrupulous, and it certainly does not bother him one bit.

Greed and avarice were inseparable companions of that Jew, at least until the day we actually met Jesus Christ, having virtually confessed their illegal conduct and dishonorable when the Lord declared: "... and if in anything I have defrauded anyone, restore fourfold. "

It can be said then that Zacchaeus was a man totally evil, as they define those who are distant morality, and bordering the best social precepts.

Profile defined by the sacred text, you can not find that Zacchaeus was a needy, poor thing well intentioned wanting to see Jesus. In fact this was not the profile that Publican.

2 - Zacchaeus was RICO:

Written for the Holy Featured did this by defining the Publican, this leads us to believe that it was indeed a rich man, and considering the activity exercised and the profile of the members of that class as defined in the preceding section, we may conclude Zacchaeus as chief tax collector, gathered a significant financial assets, having illicitly enriched at the expense until who knows the misery of his countrymen, who certainly had not the slightest compassion.

The search for the content implicit in the work force and imagination make some considerations, including confronting other sacred texts, without tolerating any change in the original text, so let's see:

If Zacchaeus was a rich man, and apparently, it was rich, because he would have to climb a tree to see Jesus, if this task you could otherwise easily going anywhere, where the Lord is?

Surely Zacchaeus had on your property and its disposition, or could have wanted as well given its comfortable financial condition, the animal or the vehicle more modern era that would permit travel long distances or overcome the most difficult access, in search of the meeting with the Lord before the crowd present, and so be the first Master of anyone of the people.

Thus, in principle, there is no need nor hurry to see how Jesus relates the sacred text.

The explanation that this attitude of Zacchaeus was due to the fact that he, small stature, and because of that could not beat the crowd, appears at first to be too little logic, but either way, does not obstruct the search even higher for a teaching and, indeed, the main course.

Follow us examine the other biblical seeking strengthen the understanding that exists in the passage of the publican Zaccheus, in fact a parable. Consider:

And it was with him, and followed him a great multitude, which squeezed.

And a woman who for twelve years, had a flow of blood,

and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that, so nothing bettered, but rather grew worse;

Heard about Jesus, came up behind the crowd and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

This text tells of a woman who had a flow of blood, and that unlike Zacchaeus WAS POOR AND SICK because he had lost everything with the doctors trying to cure his illness.

In that situation, even if it is a woman, which gave certain disadvantage in relation to men in the performance of some activities, for obvious reasons, such as breaking a crowd, for example, suffers not only managed to win the cluster of people and see Jesus, but also managed to touch the Lord.

The difficulty of that woman multiplies in relation to Zacchaeus, when we checked it besides being a female person, was still with poor health due to a serious illness.

Nonetheless, this sick woman, so fragile and very weak, and managed to beat the crowd to touch the Lord while Zacchaeus, A RICH MAN AND FULL OF HEALTH, this same crowd, was an insurmountable obstacle, which prevented him from seeing the Lord.

We conclude from this that the woman wanted to actually see the Lord, Jesus understood that he needed, but the interest of Zacchaeus in seeing the Lord was just bureaucratic purely material, nothing more than a mere curiosity.

These contradictions lead us to understand that there is indeed a larger teaching implicit in the holy text content, reporting the Biblical passage of Zacchaeus, with no prejudice or suppression of the historical record, which is absolutely embedded in the reality of events.

I understand then that the Holy Spirit by divine providence planted many years ago and grew that way, exactly where Jesus would spend an brava Figueira, that Zacchaeus on set, it went up, and all previously planned by the omniscience of the Lord, that there was extracted a valuable lesson for our guidance, which far transcends the limits of the narrative presented.

Let us now examine the particularities of the Figueira mad.

3 - Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree:

Let's stick here only the biblical definitions.

The Written Sacred is keen to stress that Zacchaeus climbed a Figueira Figueira and this was mad.

Well, because in Figueira mad? Answer: Simply because I had to be brave in Fig.

For the application of important teaching, Zacchaeus could not have gone any other tree species.

Zacchaeus could not have climbed a Guava or hose, or Figueira good, etc.. because after all, the brave Figueira has a very special symbolism and distinct from any other species, this symbolism explains clearly all the contents of the text and it is this symbolism that arise sacred guidance we seek.

So Zacchaeus had to climb a sycamore tree BRAVA.

Let us define the biblically Figueira:

This species of terrestrial flora - Figueira - symbolizes the nation of Israel, as well as other species such as the olive tree, the vine, and also Romanzeira.

Representing the Nation of Israel succor in the following scriptures:

God, the Lord says: "I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness, I saw your fathers as the firstfruits of Figueira new ... The. 9:10

"Now learn the parable of the Fig tree: When its branch has already renewed and sprout leaves, ye know that summer is near. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, at the doors. Verily I say that this generation shall not pass till all this happens. heaven and earth pass away, but my words shall not pass away "(Matt. 24.32-35).

In the text of Matthew 24.32-35 Written Sacred informs us about the return of Israel to its borders in 1948 when the branch occurs Figueira, which is a strong sign of the Lord's second coming.

In addition to these teachings, Figueira speaks of Christ as salvation for the sinner and the Israel of God, which transcends the physical nation of Israel. Consider:

Adam and Eve used the fig leaves to cover their nakedness, a figure of Christ:

"They opened up, then, their eyes, and, realizing that they were naked; sewed fig leaves together and made girdles for themselves." Gn. 3.7:

Isaiah used lump of figs to heal Hezekiah, another figure of Christ:

Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs. And they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered. II R 20.7

Here Isaiah speaks of the Son of God, the Israel of God - Jesus Christ the holy Figueira.

And I said, Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. Is 49.3

Here John tells us that in Christ all are children of God, so also are fig:

Yet to all who received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Jo 1:12

The Lord cursed Figueira fruitless, telling us that the believer does not produce: 21 Mt. 18-22.

The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree also tells us that the believer does not produce: Luke 13. 6-9.

With this information we show that the Fig tree symbolizes the nation of Israel, Christ and the God of Israel who are believers, but obviously this is the Figueira good, the good is that which produces good fruit.

If so then why the Word of God makes a point of saying that Zacchaeus climbed a Figueira Brava?

The explanation is easy now, let's see:

If Figueira good or good, that which produces good fruit refers to the Israel of God, or people who have had an encounter with Jesus, then we conclude that the brave Figueira, one that produces bad fruit or fruit unfit for consumption is refers to the human being who has not yet had an encounter with Jesus, symbolizing the lost man without God.

"The bricks are fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stone, the sycamores have been cut down, but we will replace the cedars." Isaiah - 9:10




Derives from then on it was Zacchaeus Fig Tree OWN BRAVA, and his spirit without God involved with so many shenanigans and many other illegalities, enriching themselves illegally, more pride and vanity to be a very wealthy man, was seeking any the cost to acquire the blessing of salvation, perhaps even thinking of buying it using your fabulous financial assets, and that was the reason he wanted to see Jesus Publican.

That is how I understand the "RAISE THE FIG TREE BRAVA".

The spirit of Zacchaeus climbed in the vanity of a rich man, the pride that gives the man without God, financial condition comfortable, the unbridled ambition that seeks to buy anything he pleases with his money, and if so, with your dirty money .

Continuing the examination of the sacred text, we see that the Lord immediately directed to Zacchaeus:

Here the Lord reveals to us instead which is the teaching that we want to go with the story about the story of Zacchaeus.

"Zacchaeus, come down quickly (Luke 19:5)." Behold, the Lord's guidance.

Get off your pride, your vanity, your illegally proceeding, be humble, be honest, live with dignity, because only this way you will be able to see me.

Behold, the Lord's direction: Zacchaeus come down quickly from his Figueira mad. Luiz Antônio, John, Mary, Martha, etc., you who have not had an encounter with the Lord:


Let us now consider other sacred texts that corroborate this understanding:

The word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah, saying,

Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words.

And I went down to the potter's house, and behold, he was doing his work on the wheels,

And the vessel that he made of clay was broken in the potter's hand, has to do it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make.

Then came the word of the LORD, saying,

Can I not do with you as this potter, O house of Israel? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. Jr. 18.1-6.

There is another teaching that confirms the direction of the study.

Man must LEAVE YOUR BRAVE AND FIG TREE DOWN THE HOUSE OF THE POTTER, and there his old nature will be broken, with the absolute renunciation of pride, vanity, and so many other priorities useless and impure habits that damaged his character and then the Potter will make a new pot, pure and holy, now commanded by the Lord's footsteps.

But where is the Potter's House? Consider the answer sacred:

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God,

But emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness;

And being found in human form, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Fil. 2. 6-9

The Son of the Most High God descended from the heights of his life in glory and honor to meet the man in the most vile and low as possible. THE CROSS OF CALVARY.

Here is the Potter's House, where the human being begins to be forged after receiving the new birth. THE CROSS OF CALVARY.

Every man without God only able to see Jesus and He is in the CROSS OF CALVARY.




The profile of the tax collector may believe that at first the interest of Zacchaeus in seeing Jesus, was limited purposes of material nature, such as: Who is this man so important that everyone follow and who both speak? Is he a rich man? Be richer than me? For, after all, Zacchaeus had eyes only for material things.

So, wanting to see Jesus, "from afar and not near," then looked up (for him) in any tree, without having the slightest importance to tree species, but the Creator, headed for a brave Figueira, providentially planted there, by the Holy Ghost, that this passage in the Bible come an important teaching.

Despite the intention absolutely far the Publican, the attitude of the Lord Jesus left very surprised.

The Lord, having never seen Zacchaeus and without knowing it, in the crowd turned and called by name Zacchaeus come down quickly, for in your house I must abide. Exactly how are you doing with all Sinner (All sycamores) 24 h per day.

Intrigued and extremely curious about Jesus' attitude certainly asking yourself: How he saw me before I saw it? How do you know my name? The Publican went down that tree, still seeing a different man, stranger, and received him joyfully in your house.

Once home of Zacchaeus, I can even imagine puzzled attention to that sinner, saying nothing and hearing every word of the Lord, showing the importance of the new birth and certainly teaching the right attitude it should take, there and then hears the perfect decision, the Publican who by now would have remembered all the shenanigans he had done in his life and now at the feet of the Lord he had bowed sorry, with the statement:

And Zacchaeus stood, said: Lord, behold, I give to the poor half of my possessions, and if I have defrauded anyone in anything, I restore fourfold.

It was only then that Zacchaeus came down actually Figueira mad, and got to see who was the Lord and only from that time (and not there when he came down from the tree) can hear the wonderful sacred information of the Lord:

Then said Jesus unto him, Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham.

Here is the conclusion of this study, recalling that the sinner must descend from your Figueira mad, leaving behind all the vices of the old nature, renouncing all priorities in the material universe, repenting of all your evil deeds and go to meet Jesus on the Cross of Calvary, because only this way you can actually see the Lord, not only as an important man like Zacchaeus wanted early in his carnal pretense, but as the redeemer of his soul, that the Sacrifice on Calvary, every sinner possible the abundant life here on earth and eternal life in the coming century.

6 - SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE IN SONG: "does a miracle in me."

I see this song, a worrying message SUBLIMINAR, which presents Jesus Christ, so REVERSED, in the following verse:

"Like Zacchaeus, I rise, as high as I can."

For the Sinner CHRIST IS NOT IN THE HEIGHTS. For the Lord is in this place lowest possible CROSS OF CALVARY.

It is extremely important to note that for all who have accepted the Lord's sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary and were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, FOR THOSE AND ONLY THOSE, I REPEAT ONLY FOR THOSE JESUS ​​IS IN THE HEIGHTS THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER interceding for ALL HER, WE ALREADY LIVES, SINCE CONVERSION.


Man can not skip steps.

One can not expect to see and meet Christ on high, in fact, was precisely to prevent this "shortcut" that the Lord placed cherubim guarding the Garden of Eden, and a flaming sword guarding the way to the tree of life, not to allow the man to meet with Jesus (TREE OF LIFE) without first passing through the CROSS OF CALVARY.

Unfortunately churches are filled with people who seek insistently this "shortcut", participating in evangelistic work, work and even taking supper, arriving assaulting his chest with all arrogance stating: "I am the servant of God," but living collecting defeats in their day-to-day and never experienced the true value of who actually lives in the presence of the Lord simply because they want to give up old habits, want the blessings of the Lord and the delights of the world, want to serve two masters, so never converted or never descended to the Cross of Calvary.

To meet Jesus, the Tree of Life, or to return to the Garden of Eden (The Presence of God) is necessary first and foremost, go through the CROSS OF CALVARY.

Above verse, besides featuring a disobedience to the teaching of Jesus, who sends DOWN, shows an apology, the conduct of Satan, whose model was and always will be: "UP". Exactly the reverse driven Christ.

So NOT SOARING that humans can see the Lord, indeed, has always been characteristic rise of Satan. Consider:

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, above the stars of God will exalt my throne, and the mount of the congregation will I sit to the sides of the north.

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most High. Isaiah 14:13-14

See the Lord's warning to those who want to climb:

The pride of your heart has deceived you, dwelling in the clefts of the rocks, in his high abode, who says in his heart, Who shall bring me down to earth?

Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD. OB. 1.3-4.

See the contradiction:

The characteristic of Satan's rise, exalt himself, claiming to be equal with God, never humiliate. So are all the sycamores (sinners), who are under his command. All will be humiliated as the enemy was humiliated on the cross of Calvary. Col.2.15.

The characteristic of Jesus is going down, be humble, and God thought it not robbery to be equal with God, came down from his glory and came to be equal to men, did not complain, did not murmur, always obeyed. So are all who come unto Him and follow his footsteps. So it will be exalted as God exalted his Filho.Fl. 2:9-11.

Therefore it can be concluded that the LORD of all who want to climb is Satan, and note that every invocation of the music mentioned above (... enters my house, come into my life, does a miracle in me, the Lord is my highest good, etc.), reporting to end this kind of Lord, and not to our dear and beloved Savior. This is extremely serious.

Jesus Christ is Lord of all who look down, humble themselves and go through the Cross of Calvary.

It appears then that any teaching that guides a manner contrary is not good provenance. Jesus told Zacchaeus down from the Figueira. The orientation of the Lord is "DOWN". One can not in any way that disobey the Lord's direction.

On the other hand, it is an inconsistency without limitation, claim to be equal to Zacchaeus as if it were a Publican important example to be followed. Frankly, this is disdaining the Lord's guidance.

Want to be like Zacchaeus, is all that Satan wants. It's like if someone said, "Lord I'll be a thief, a traitor, one unscrupulous person just to get your attention."




Now where are recorded in Scripture, facts demonstrating that the sinner is called God's attention?

What we see is just the opposite. It is God who draws the sinner (I John 4.10,19; Rom. 5.8, John 3:16 and 15:16).

How you want to get the attention of someone who is alert 24 hours a day.

Jesus not because he looked at Zacchaeus climbed a tree, by the way, the Lord spoke to Zacchaeus without his localizasse in the crowd, without at least the publican knew the presence of the Son of God.

The Lord looked at Zacchaeus is just like looking at all the sycamores (all sinners), all the time, be it on a tree, or under the sea, or flying in the air., Or at the end of the seas.

The order has been given Go down Zacchaeus.

So you want to go to see Jesus is to defy and disobey the teachings of the Lord. You sell a mirror image of the Lord. It is an apology to Satan.

Surely the author of the lyrics of this song, produced this work with the best of intentions, however the wily enemy, taking advantage of the lack of knowledge entered in the message one evil seed and lives giving laughter, every time this song appears.

It is important to note that a simple change in the first verse of the song could totally change its meaning, eg:

If instead of "How Zacchaeus want to climb as high as I can ..."

the author wrote: "Like David, I will humiliate me" or "Joseph, I will obey," etc. ..).

With these changes, the music would gain a broad sense of true worship and genuine praise to our Savior, and lose once the subliminal message that we demonstrate here.

No wonder the fact that this song, reached unprecedented levels of bandages, with over 2 million copies sold, while offering genuine praise gospel messages of praise and adoration to God's Word, very rarely manage to reach the mark 500 thousand copies sold.

The explanation is simple:

Featuring a JESUS ​​REVERSED and REVERSING THE GUIDELINES SACRED, The enemy benefits does not preclude and even helps publicize, as it becomes a staunch fighter of all that seeks to genuine sacred teaching that actually praises to our Savior.

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